The difference between solar street lamp and ordinary street lamp

ifferent safety performance Solar street lamps are ultra-low voltage products, reliable operation and installation. The power of traditional street lamps comes from wire and cable transmission, while the traditional mains electricity is high voltage alternating current.

Solar street lamp as a new kind of street lamp, what are the differences between it and the ordinary street lamp?
The biggest advantage of solar street lamps, in plain language, is that there is no electricity as long as there is sunlight can be used. Easy to install, installation does not need to lay complex lines, as long as there is a cement base and then fixed. Ordinary street lamps will be more complicated in the aspect of I. First of all, cables need to be laid and then the installation and debugging will take a long time. Moreover, the location and circuit require complex labor and high cost of auxiliary materials.

Different safety performance
Solar street lamps are ultra-low voltage products, reliable operation and installation. The power of traditional street lamps comes from wire and cable transmission, while the traditional mains electricity is high voltage alternating current.

Different post-maintenance
Common street lamp circuit is complex, need to repair the circuit often. With the extension of the years, the aging of the line is inevitable, the resulting maintenance costs are increasing. Solar street lamps have no such concerns. This greatly reduces the later labor costs.

Compared with ordinary street lights, solar street lights can be seen as simple construction and convenient installation. Compared with ordinary street lights, solar street lights can be seen as simple construction, convenient installation, energy saving, environmental protection, safety, durable and no electricity charges and other advantages are more favored by the lighting market. Future solar street lamp development, environmental protection, safety, durable no electricity and other advantages are more favored by the lighting market. The future development prospect of solar street lamps is even brighter. The outlook is brighter.